Photography ICONography
Photography Iconography is about 60 icons that I have designed that are based around the idea of photography. These icons were made in adobe illustrator, and all follow strict design constraints that hold them into a cohesive visual style. I came up with this idea to create a cohesive set of icons to challenge myself to design for a small specific audience while also creating icons that could be used in a large variety of ways. Finding the visual language for this set was the most challenging part of the design process. Ultimately the exaggerated curve of the bottom left corner as well as a strikethrough circle added the intended visual complexity while offering enough of a challenge to work into every icon. Finally, these Icons had landed in the form of a family photo album. The Icons were displayed to show the process of shooting a studio portrait. The icons were printed on a translucent film to show the progression of the photography process.
The Photography Iconography set is now available for public use on the Noun Project, aggregates and catalogs symbols that are created and uploaded by graphic designers around the world, the link to their website is connected to the button below.